A couple of the complaints that a lot of women have as they get older is that they have dark circles under their eyes and that they have puffy bags under their eyes. Dark circles under the eyes are generally caused by two things, not enough sleep or a build up of toxins. Under-eye puffiness, or bags, also have several causes including a build up of fat and excess water retained in the tissue.Dealing With Dark Circles Under Your Eyes
Dark circles under your eyes can make you look tired, depressed, old, and sickly. If you have been cursed with dark circles then there are things that you can do to minimize the appearance of these discolorations. The first thing is to get more sleep. If your dark circles are caused by inadequate sleep then try getting a little more sleep. Adults should have between 6 and 8 hours of sleep each night. If you don’t have time at night to get this much sleep, try taking a siesta on your lunch break.
If you are looking for a homeopathic remedy for your dark circles then try potato slices. Refrigerate a potato until it is cold. Then slice it thinly and place the slices on your eyes. Let the potato slices sit on your eyes for 15 to 20 minutes. This will do two things for you. First of all it will reduce the puffiness of your eyes by cooling the skin around your eyes. Next it will reduce the appearance of the dark circles by drawing out the toxins in your skin.
If you are looking for a cosmetic solution to your dark circles then you will need to use a highlighter and concealer. First apply your normal foundation. Then use a concealer to cover the dark circles. Finish by applying the highlighter to the area around the tear duct and to the area right below your eyebrow. This will help draw people’s attention away from the dark area.
Dealing with Eye-Bags
As mentioned earlier, eye-bags can be caused by a variety of problems. The first problem is that you have accumulated extra fat in the pad under your eyes. This is a common problem as women get older. There really is no way to solve this problem permanently unless you want to have the extra fat surgically removed. If you use this solution then make sure that your doctor knows what he or she is doing. You don’t want to take out too much fat, or else your eyes will look sunken in.

One controversial treatment for eye-bags is to dab a little Preparation-H on the puffy areas around your eyes. This treatment works, but it can cause injuries to your eyes if the Preparation-H gets in your eyes. If you select this treatment option, make sure you are careful when applying the ointment, and try not to apply it to close to your eye.
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