
17 August 2008

How to Treat Acne

Today, there are many ways to treat acne. In fact, no matter if you are a light sufferer of acne or have serious bouts of acne, you can usually find a treatment that can work for you. Most people treat acne with a variety of over the counter products. Over the counter products usually consist of astringents, facial cleaners, acidic cleansers and special devices.

In order to treat acne, it is important to understand what causes acne. Mainly
is caused by sebum which is an oily substance that is produced in the hair follicles and can clog your skin.

Bacteria feed off the sebum and infects your hair follicle causing pimples and blemishes. Most over the counter products treat acne by either unclogging pores or killing bacteria or both.
There are many different products to treat acne on the market and because acne is subjective and unique to each face, the acne sufferer is advised to experiment with a few products to treat acne. One product that works great for your friend may not work at all for your face and vice versa, the key is testing a few products before settling on one.

For more serious sufferers of acne, you may want to talk to your pharmacist or dermatologist to find ways to treat acne. Many times over the counter remedies may not make a dent on your break outs or can overly irritate your face. Dermatologists can usually diagnose your acne and treat your acne with a variety of products that can focus.

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13 August 2008

Different Types of Acne

Acne affects millions of people every year and it is said to be the most common skin disorder. Not every acne problem is the same. There are different types of acne which are caused due to different reasons. The good news is that practically all types acne can be treated safely. Listed Acne vulgarisbelow are the different types of acne.

Acne Vulgaris

Most acne sufferers have acne vulgaris which includes pimples in the form of white heads and black heads. Cysts are also a type of Acne Vulagris.

White Heads

White heads are caused by clogged hair follicles. Inside each clogged hair follicle is sebum - an oily substance that helps bacteria grow. These pimples or lesions fill up with sebum, bacteria, and dead skin and that causes a white head.

Black Heads

Black heads is another very common type of acne. Just like in White heads, the lesions get filled up with sebum, bacteria and dead skin but there remains an opening through which allows the trapped sebum and dead skin to drain to the surface of the skin. Many people think that the black color is caused by dirt, but that is not the case. It is actually caused by the pigment melanin interacting with the oxygen in the air.


Cysts are also very common to acne sufferers. Cysts are pimples or nodules that become infected underneath the skin. Many people complain from Cysts pain and usually a cyst is defined as being over 5 mm in diameter. Do not try to pop a cyst pimple, you can make an infection worse or create a scar. If you have a cyst for a couple of days and you are still in pain or the cyst is becoming larger it is advisable to seek medical attention.

By knowing the different types of acne, you can help diagnose your acne situation and seek treatments that can help rid your face of this skin disorder.

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10 August 2008

Remedies for Dry Skin

Dry skin is a problem that affects millions of men and women around the world. There are several causes of dry skin. Some of the most common causes of dry skin include over-exposure to the elements, under active oil glands, dietary problems, and biological factors. In order to treat your dry skin properly, you need to understand what is causing it.

Diet Remedies

Most people who have dry skin don’t think about making changes to their diet as a way to treat their skin problem. However, many cases of dry skin are caused by diet problems. If you think that your dry skin may be caused by an unbalanced diet then there are ways of correcting the problem. First of all incorporate more fresh fruits and vegetables into your diet, especially green leafy vegetables and fruits that have high concentrations of anti-oxidants like fresh berries.

Whole foods will also help to improve your overall health and they will provide your skin with better nutrition. Other foods that you might want to consider adding to your diet include flax seed oil, salmon, cantaloupe, carrots, apricots, wheat germ, and plain yogurt. You should also try to avoid fried foods, caffeine, chocolate, sugar and other types of highly processed foods, as all of these foods can dehydrate your skin.

Changes in Your Bathing Habits

Another cause of dry skin is inappropriate bathing techniques for your skin type. Hot baths dry skin out, so when you bathe use cooler water. Also, bathing too often can dry out your skin. Instead of taking a short bath or shower every day, try taking longer baths every other day. You skin needs to soak in water in order to absorb moisture. Simply getting it wet isn’t enough. It needs 15 to 20 minutes of soaking to take in enough water to impact the health and condition of your skin. Next, reduce the frequency of your bathing to help maintain more of the natural oils in your skin. Finally towel dry your body after you bathe or shower. If you air dry your skin the evaporation will take with it your skin’s natural moisture.


If you have a medical condition like Psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, or seborrhea then you may need to take medication in order to treat your dry skin. Simply using lotions, creams, and ointments will not cure your dry skin if it is caused by a medical condition. This is why it is very important to understand what is causing your dry skin before you select a treatment method.

Lotions, Creams, Body Butters, and Ointments

If your dry skin is caused by your environment then lotions, creams, body butters, and ointments are a great option. Try out several to see which one works best for you. Select a topical treatment with ingredients that are designed to protect your skin against the elements that you are concerned about. For example if you have dry skin because of sun exposure look for a lotion or cream that has an SPF added to its ingredients.

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06 August 2008

Five Easy Skin Moisturizing Tips

Moisturizing your skin every day is the key to beautiful skin and the key to keeping your skin looking young. However, while moisturizing your skin is important, you don’t want to use the wrong product for your skin type. To find the best way to add moisture to your skin you need to follow five simple moisturizing tips.

Moisturizing Tip 1 – Know Your Skin Type

The first tip for finding the right moisturizer for you is to learn what type of skin you have. Not all moisturizers are right for every skin type, and if you use the wrong product it can actually create skin problems or complicate your current skin problems. The easiest way to find the right moisturizer for you is to read the label on the container. Most moisturizers will tell you what type of skin it is designed for. For example it should say whether it is for normal, oily, or dry skin.

Moisturizing Tip 2 – Know What Your Products Do

There are thousands of skin care products on the market today, and each one does something different. While your beauty or women’s magazine may recommend a certain product as a must have item, this product may be right for you. Before you buy any skin care product it is important to read its description to see what it does. For example if you have dry skin and you buy an astringent recommended by a magazine before you read what it is for you can actually increase the dryness of your skin.

Moisturizing Tip 3 – Incorporate Moisturizing Your Skin into Your Beauty Routine

In order to keep your skin looking young, healthy, and beautiful you need to incorporate moisturizers into your daily beauty routine. This addition will only add a minute or two to your morning ritual so it’s not difficult to do. As you get older you may want to moisturize several times a day including when you wake up and right before you go to bed.

Moisturizing Tip 4 – Hydrate Your Body

One of the causes of dry skin is a dehydrated body. If your body doesn’t get the water that it needs your skin can dry out. This is because your body is not working properly, and your oil glands are shutting down. To make sure that your skin is properly hydrated from the inside, drink plenty of water throughout the day.

Moisturizing Tip 5 – How to Apply Moisturizer

The best way to moisturize your skin is to apply a think layer of lotion or cream to the surface of your skin in an upward motion. This will help work the moisturizer into your skin, and it will also help to reduce sagging. You should read the directions for the products that you use to figure out how much to use and how to apply it properly.

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03 August 2008

cara mencoba wewangian

Ketika sedang mencoba wewangian pada kulit Anda, biarkanlah mengering untuk beberapa saat sebelum menciumnya. Sangatlah penting untuk menjaga agar wewangian tersebut bercampur dengan aroma tubuh Anda untuk menghasilkan aroma khasnya.

Jangan menggosok wewangian tersebut pada kulit Anda karena dapat merusak kelembutan molekulnya.

Mengkonsumsi makanan yang pedas atau bawang dapat mempengaruhi aroma tubuh Anda.

Wewangian tidak tahan lama dan penyimpanannya menjadi hal yang penting. jangan letakan langsung di bawah terik matahari, atau di dalam lemari pendingin karena hal tersebut dapat merusak wewangiannya. Letakan wewangian kesukaan Anda dalam kartonnya pada tempat yang tidak terlalu dingin atau tidak terlalu hangat.

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