
29 June 2008

Kulit tubuh kita...

...adalah bagian terluas dari tubuh, mulai dari kepala hingga ke ujung kaki.

Fungsi utama...

...kulit adalah sebagai pelindung terhadap cuaca, debu dan menjaga agar suhu tubuh tetap hangat pada setiap perubahan kondisi alam.

Lapisan kulit paling luar, disebut kulit ari yang tanggal setiap hari dan muncul sel-sel kulit baru.

Kulit ari yang mati bisa menempel di baju yang kita kenakan, seprei, bantal, guling, selimut, kain kursi, handuk dan benda2 lain yang bersentuhan langsung dengan kulit kita. Tetapi juga bisa menumpuk pada kulit sehingga kulit tampak kusan dan terasa kasar.

Untuk menjaga agar kulit tetap sehat dan halus, membersihkan dengan sabun biasa saja tidaklah cukup.

Lakukan perawatan khusus agar kadar kelembaban kulit tetap terjaga, peredarah darah pada lapisan kulit menjadi lebih lancar sehingga kulit tampak cemerlang.

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25 June 2008

Tips for Reducing Eye-Bags and Dark Circles

A couple of the complaints that a lot of women have as they get older is that they have dark circles under their eyes and that they have puffy bags under their eyes. Dark circles under the eyes are generally caused by two things, not enough sleep or a build up of toxins. Under-eye puffiness, or bags, also have several causes including a build up of fat and excess water retained in the tissue.

Dealing With Dark Circles Under Your Eyes

Dark circles under your eyes can make you look tired, depressed, old, and sickly. If you have been cursed with dark circles then there are things that you can do to minimize the appearance of these discolorations. The first thing is to get more sleep. If your dark circles are caused by inadequate sleep then try getting a little more sleep. Adults should have between 6 and 8 hours of sleep each night. If you don’t have time at night to get this much sleep, try taking a siesta on your lunch break.

If you are looking for a homeopathic remedy for your dark circles then try potato slices. Refrigerate a potato until it is cold. Then slice it thinly and place the slices on your eyes. Let the potato slices sit on your eyes for 15 to 20 minutes. This will do two things for you. First of all it will reduce the puffiness of your eyes by cooling the skin around your eyes. Next it will reduce the appearance of the dark circles by drawing out the toxins in your skin.

If you are looking for a cosmetic solution to your dark circles then you will need to use a highlighter and concealer. First apply your normal foundation. Then use a concealer to cover the dark circles. Finish by applying the highlighter to the area around the tear duct and to the area right below your eyebrow. This will help draw people’s attention away from the dark area.
Dealing with Eye-Bags

As mentioned earlier, eye-bags can be caused by a variety of problems. The first problem is that you have accumulated extra fat in the pad under your eyes. This is a common problem as women get older. There really is no way to solve this problem permanently unless you want to have the extra fat surgically removed. If you use this solution then make sure that your doctor knows what he or she is doing. You don’t want to take out too much fat, or else your eyes will look sunken in.

If you don’t want to go under the knife then you can use a homeopathic remedy for eye bags. First refrigerate a cucumber. When it has cooled down slice it into medium sized pieces and place the slices over your eyes. Let them sit on your eyes for at least 15 to 20 minutes. This will help to reduce the puffiness of your eyes and it will make you look well rested.

One controversial treatment for eye-bags is to dab a little Preparation-H on the puffy areas around your eyes. This treatment works, but it can cause injuries to your eyes if the Preparation-H gets in your eyes. If you select this treatment option, make sure you are careful when applying the ointment, and try not to apply it to close to your eye.
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22 June 2008

Rawatlah Tubuh Anda

Ingatlah selalu bahwa walaupun kulit coklat akibat berjemur sinar matahari dapat memudar, bekas kerusakan yang timbul pada kulit Anda akan tetap ada. Singkatnya nikmatilah berjemur namun jangan melakukanya dengan berlebih!

Anak-anak memiliki kulit yang lebih tipis daripada orang dewasa yang menyebabkan mereka lebih sensitif terhadap sinar matahari. Gunakanlah selalu tabir surya (SPF 15 atau diatasnya) pada anak-anak, dan ulang kembali penggunaan sesering mungkin.

Sun Protection Factor (SPF) menunjukkan seberapa lama Anda dapat berada di bawah terik sinar matahari tanpa kulit Anda jadi terbakar. Jika Anda memperkirakan bahwa Anda dapat berada di bawah terik sinar matahari selama 10 menit tanpa kulit jadi terbakar, SPF 6 memungkinkan Anda 10x6=60 menit di bawah terik matahari tanpa terbakar.

Kebanyakan orang hanya menggunakan setengah dari jumlah krim tabir surya yang seharusnya mereka gunakan. Seorang dewasa seharusnya menggunakan sekitar satu desiliter krim tabir surya pada wajah dan tubuhnya!

Produk-produk tabir surya memiliki masa kadaluwarsa, jadi gantilah tiap tahun.

Sangatlah penting untuk mengontrol berat badan Anda, karena perubahan berat badan yang terjadi sering memiliki dampak buruk pada kulit Anda..

Pemijatan yang dilakukan secara teratur dapat membantu menyegarkan tubuh dan melancarkan peredaran darah.


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18 June 2008

Eye Makeup Tips

Follow our eye makeup tips, step-by-step for eyes that look pretty and glamorous every time.

1. Powder

The first step in applying eye makeup begins with a dry eyelid, using no cream or foundation that may cause creasing or uneven color. After dusting the eyelid with a neutral shade of powder, using a soft brush, the eye shadow can be applied.

2. Eye Shadow

There is a wide range of eye shadows, in powders and crèmes, to choose from that will complement your eye color. A slightly darker shade can be applied in the crease of the eyelid, as this will further emphasize the eye. Highlighting the eyebrow bone, with a pastel white, pink, or grey, will lessen the effect of deep-set eyes.

3. Eye Liner

The next step is to apply the eyeliner in a thin line from the inner to the outer corner of the upper eyelashes, using a pencil or small brush in preference to a liquid eyeliner. Smudging of the eyeliner adds the natural effect, eliminating defined edges. It is generally not a good idea to line the lower lashes, as this tends to give the eyes an owlish appearance, making them seem smaller.

4. Curling Lashes & Applying Mascara

If your lashes are short, you may consider using a lash curler before applying mascara. In general, two coats of mascara are used, waiting four to five minutes for each application to dry. Using a brush or wand, distribute the mascara evenly from roots to ends. A lash comb may be used to remove any clumps that are left.

5. Eye Pencil

The final step is to define and fill in your eyebrows, with a slightly dull eye pencil. Eyebrows can be brushed or combed, as well, into a natural shape.


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15 June 2008

Tehnik Ampuh Gunakan Blush On

Dengan teknik penggunaan blush on yang tepat, wajah Anda akan terlihat lebih bercahaya. Tak kalah dengan selebritis Hollywood di red carpet.

Saat akan mengaplikasikan blush on, tersenyumlah di depan kaca. Ini untuk menemukan apple of the cheek Anda. Mulailah dari bagian tengahnya, lalu sapukan ke atas mengarah ke ujung mata. Setelah itu baurkan lagi dengan spons kering. Gunakan ujungnya seperti penghapus, sapukan ke arah luar.

Dengan demikian, mata Anda terlihat lebih bersinar.

Jangan sesekali menyapukan kuas blush on dari garis bawah hidung. Atau di bawah tulang pipi. Karena itu bisa membuat wajah Anda terlihat lebih tua.

Sekadar saran, gantilah warna blush on Anda sesuai musim. Warna-warna yang lebih gelap lebih cocok untuk musm hujan, sedangkan untuk musim panas pilihlah warna yang lebih muda.


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11 June 2008

Skin Care Moisturizer Cream Can Keep Your Skin Smooth and Supple

by: Sylvie Bordeaux

They say beauty is only skin deep, but only a woman knows just how true that is. You can be the prettiest thing in the room, but wrinkled, sun damaged skin can certainly bring your appearance down several notches. Skin care moisturizer cream is just the thing you need to help prevent new wrinkles, reduce the appearance of the wrinkles you have, and help heal sun damaged skin. Whether you struggle with dry skin, combination skin, oily skin, acne, or some other type of skin condition, there is a moisturizer that is made just for you. The only challenge is finding the right moisturizer for you and knowing what to look for. It’s all about getting the details right -- what types of moisturizer are best for you and how often to apply them. Luckily for you, we’ve got the scoop on the best moisturizers for your needs.

Water Based Moisturizers are a No-No

When purchasing moisturizer cream, many women simply do not stop and look at the ingredients. Often women are attracted to a pretty box or a pretty jar with a fancy sounding name without realizing that many of the moisturizers out there contain up to 40% water. Other women make the mistake of going with a water based moisturizer, thinking that water is the most natural moisturizer in the world and that it should do wonders for their skin. Strangely enough, that is not the case. Different all natural ingredients, like Aloe Vera, are better suited for a moisturizer for the face, especially for those looking for anti aging or anti wrinkle benefits. It may not seem like it but water based moisturizers are a recipe for disaster when it comes to dry skin. They dry out your skin even more as opposed to adding much needed moisture.

Consider the Benefits of Natural Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera based creams are different and for those who have only used water based products or for those looking for a change in their present moisturizing routine, this is the best and only alternative. A few of the skin care moisturizer cream products even contain essential fatty acids and other ingredients that actually imitate the natural actions and compositions of your skin. These special ingredients work wonders against drying and breakouts, and makes it easier for the ingredients to be absorbed into the skin. Aloe Vera itself is 100 percent natural, coming straight from the plant of the same name and is known for its healing benefits to damaged skin.

How Often is Too Often?

Depending on your skin and its makeup, you never know how much to moisturize until you figure out what is best for you. If you have normal skin, moisturizing once a day should be sufficient, but if you have dry skin or skin with a condition you may want to consider moisturizing twice daily -- once during the morning hours and once before bed.

Be sure to follow the directions that are specified on the back of moisturizer box or jar for best results and remember that not all moisturizers are created equal. Some of them have specific instructions and are designed to treat different skin conditions so be sure to read the label carefully. Some moisturizers have natural oils, vitamins, lipids, and other ingredients that are designed to smooth and beautify your skin. Be warned that chemicals have been added to other moisturizer creams and these should be strictly avoided.

How do you know which is the best skin care moisturizer cream for you? In all reality, there is no “one size fits all.” Everyone has a different type of skin and unfortunately there is a bit of trial and error that you must go through. You have to find out the hard way sometimes but often you can take shortcuts by getting recommendations from other women with skin similar to yours. Remember though that just because a particular product works for someone else does not necessarily mean that it will work for you. One thing you can be sure of though is that it is pretty hard to go wrong with an aloe vera based moisturizer. Aloe Vera can heal damaged skin, moisturize, and even provide some anti aging benefits as well. Plus it doesn’t dry out the skin like water based moisturizers do...and it should go without saying that dry skin is much more prone to wrinkles than hydrated, moisturized skin.

The benefits of Aloe Vera are endless and no matter what type of skin you have, you should be able to enjoy the benefits of this all natural ingredient that was discovered more than 3,500 years ago and that is still being used today. An Aloe Vera based moisturizer can help give you healthier, more beautiful skin no matter what kind of skin you have and no matter how much sun damage you have.

Be sure to read the label before buying any moisturizer cream and always, always, always demand an Aloe Vera based moisturizer.

Do you hate fine lines?

Do you hate wrinkles?

Do you hate sun spots?

Do you have old acne scars to get rid of?

Do you want to feel beautiful again?

An Aloe Vera based moisturizer cream just may be the way to go and due to its healing properties, Aloe Vera should be something you look for in any skin care moisturizer cream.

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08 June 2008

Jeruk Nipis

Meski berukuran kecil, tapi ternyata buah jeruk nipis memiliki manfaat yang tidak 'kecil' juga. Ada banyak khasiat yang bisa didapat dari buah asam ini. Selama ini banyak orang mengira kalau jeruk nipis hanya berguna untuk menghilangkan bau amis, atau campuran penyedap makanan. padahal buah ini juga punya banyak manfaat untuk kecantikan dan kesehatan.

Air yang berasal dari daging buah ini dikenal sanggup membuat pori-pori mengecil serta merapatkannya. Ia juga mampu menghilangkan kelebihan lemak pada jenis kulit berminyak. Cara penggunaannya adalah dengan mengoleskan daging jeruk nipis pada kulit wajah. Terutama di daerah sekitar hidung dan pipi yang pori-porinya terlihat besar.

Jeruk nipis berkhasiat untuk memutihkan dan menghaluskan kulit: Caranya adalah dengan mengusapkan potongan jeruk nipis pada wajah dan kulit bagian tubuh lainnya yang terlihat kusam atau kasar. Niscaya kulit Anda akan menjadi lebih putih dan lebih halus.

Untuk membuat kuku bersih dan cemerlang dengan jeruk nipis caranya mudah saja. Peraslah dagingnya, lalu gunakan sedikit air jeruk nipis untuk menggosok kuku yang buram.

Untuk jenis rambut berminyak yang biasanya cepat kotor, cucilah dengan air hangat yang telah dicampur perasan air jeruk nipis. Hasilnya selain tak cepat kotor, rambut akan menjadi lebih halus dan lembut kemilau.Untuk menghilangkan ketombe gunakan air perasan jeruk nipis pada kulit kepala. Biarkan kering selama 20 sampai 30 menit, lalu dikeramas. Lakukan dua sampai tiga kali.

Selain untuk kecantikan, jeruk nipis juga berguna sebagai sarana relaksasi. Ketegangan pada otot tangan, kaki ataupun bagian-bagian tubuh lainnya bisa dikurangi dengan menggosokkan bagian yang pegal dengan perasan jeruk nipis plus sedikit air. Atau bisa juga dengan merendam bagian yang pegal di air perasan buah jeruk yang telah ditambah air hangat di dalam ember kecil.

Bagi mereka yang punya masalah dengan bau keringat, maka terapi jeruk nipis patut juga dicoba. Caranya adalah dengan mencampurkan perasan jeruk nipis dengan sedikit kapur sirih, kemudian gosokkan ke sumber bau. Niscaya bau tersebut akan hilang.


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04 June 2008

5 Langkah Mendapatkan Kulit Indah

1. Bersihkanlah wajah Anda secara hati-hati dengan pembersih di pagi dan sore hari. Kulit yang bersih lebih tahan terhadap jerawat / acne dan bintik-bintik.

2. Bersihkan sisa tata rias dan pembersih dengan toner, yang menjadikan kulit terasa segar kembali.

3. Ikuti dengan pemakaian pelembab yang melembutkan dan melindungi kulit, serta mencegah dehidrasi.

4. Krim malam menutrisi dan memperbaiki kulit Anda ketika Anda tidur.

5. Sebagai perawatan khusus, gunakan scrub dan masker sekali atau dua kali seminggu, dimana hal tersebut akan meningkatkan efisiensi dari rutinitas harian Anda.


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01 June 2008

Merawat Kulit Anda

Bersihkan kulit Anda setiap pagi untuk menghilangkan minyak dan sel kulit mati yang terbentuk di malam hari.

Gunakan air suam-suam kuku pada wajah Anda. Air yang terlalu panas dapat menyebabkan kulit wajah yang sensitif menjadi kering.

Sabun biasa jangan digunakan untuk muka karena dapat merusak keseimbangan pelembab alami pada wajah dan membutuhkan beberapa hari bagi kulit untuk pulih kembali.

Olahraga rutin, meskipun hanya berjalan biasa, akan membuat kulit tampak sehat dan berseri.

Ya, Anda mungkin tahu bahwa Anda sebaiknya minum air dalam jumlah yang cukup. Bubuhkan sedikit lemon, jeruk, melon atau timun - gunakan imajinasi dan hapus rasa dahaga Anda!

Bedak padat sangat ideal untuk menghilangkan kilau yang tak diinginkan; bawalah selalu dalam tas Anda.

Untuk mengetahui warna tata rias apa yang paling sesuai dengan Anda, cobalah beberapa warna berbeda dengan cahaya dari lampu biasa tepat pada garis rahang bagian bawah. Hal ini disebabkan pada bagian inilah Anda dapat melihat apakah warna tersebut serasi dengan warna wajah dan leher Anda.

Kulit wajah yang memerah dapat dinetralkan dengan krim wajah berwarna kekuningan, contohnya Rosy Tone Colour Corrective Cream. Kemudian gunakanlah alas bedak yang biasa Anda pakai diatasnya.

Hindari kopi, alkohol dan rokok, karena semua hal tersebut dapat memberikan pengaruh negatif pada kulit Anda.

Kulit Anda pun perlu beristirahat, karena sel kulit dibentuk kembali saat Anda tidur. Tidur secara teratur selama 8 jam setiap malam adalah kebiasaan yang sangat baik.


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